So alive, but dead within...
So powerful and yet so weak...
Restless, but lackadaisical...
Relentless, but merciful...
Beautiful, but crippled...
Yet of unprecedented cruelty...
Feelings stomping in his head
Violently ripped out of his tormented heart...
No place for more,
No eagerness for new...
"Why aren't you alive?", she cried
"Why are you hurting me so bad?"
No answer came from his mystic face,
He just went on with his lonely journey...
Not a single blink,
Not a single glance...
The path kept unreeling before his eyes as a snake...
Just silence...
2 σχόλια:
είπα να σου πω ένα γεια από δω!
μου αρέσει η σιωπή ντυμένη στα κόκκινα..
Κι εμένα μικρή μου! Ειδικά στα κόκκινα είναι μοναδική!
Σε φιλώ
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